On 13 of May 2014 the Acting President of Ukraine Aleksandr Turchynov signed the Law of Public Broadcasting. This Law aimed to reforming the governmental television, which used to bear Soviet features. Though the law is far from an ideal one, its adoption became quite important for media market participants.
The Law has been drafted for several years by the leading Ukrainian lawyers jointly with many European experts and international institutions.
In particular, Jurimex lawyers along with the people’s deputies have shaped a normative block, regulating licensing of public broadcaster, annulment of licenses of the governmental broadcasters and issue of a license for the radio frequency resource out of tender. This block was fully included in the final version of the mentioned Law.The Law on Public Broadcasting stipulates liquidation of the governmental broadcasters and development of the European model of public television and radio channels. The law also specifies the mechanisms of governmental influence minimization on the public broadcasters and their information policy, transfer of key authorities to the supervisory council and financial instruments to support the broadcasting in the early years of its operation. Further it is planned to improve the public broadcasting regulations in order to fit it with the best European standards.