On October 10, 2017, Honorary President of Jurimex Danylo Getmantsev will speak at the Road-Building Investment Forum "Ukraine-Turkey" in the framework of the discussion on the introduction of paid (concession) roads in Ukraine on the topic "Concession Tender for the Construction and Operation of Highways: Stages of holding, Regulatory Barriers and case studies”.Danylo Getmantsev will cover issues related to the specifics of preparation for the concession tender for the construction and operation of roads, describe the potential risks that can be encountered in the course of the project at the relevant stages of the concession tender and also emphasize the particular difficulties that can be potentially faced by foreign investors during their participation in concession tenders.These issues will be discussed in the light of current legislative initiatives on the reform of concession legislation, and will be based on the experience of Danylo Getmantsev and Jurimex, which acted as the legal adviser of the State Road Agency of Ukraine during 2013-2015 at the time of preparation and holding of the tender for construction and operation of the first concessionary road Lviv-Krakovets. The report will be accompanied by practical examples of international experience and analysis of the feasibility of its implementation in Ukraine.