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Protection of interests in the case of violation of the procedure
Protection of interests in the case of violation of the procedure
Protection of interests in the case of violation of the procedure
National Children's Specialized Hospital "OKHMATDYT"

In the opinion of the plaintiff of Hemofarm Ltd, NHSB "OKHMATDET" considers its participation in the procurement procedure impossible, in connection with which the complainant requested the AMC to oblige NDSB "OKHMATDET" to bring the tender documentation in line with the requirements of the legislation by making changes. Due to the complexity of this case, it was decided to attract leading doctors from the NHSB "OKHMATDET".

Natalia Gnezdelova, an attorney, lawyer in international trade and investment practice of the company "Jurimex", successfully defended the interests of the NHSB "OKHMATDET" in the AMCU in a dispute over the appeal of tender documentation for the purchase of necessary medical products. Natalia has proved the conformity of tender documents of the NDSB "OKHMATDET" to the requirements of the Law "On Public Procurement", and doctors substantiated medical and technical requirements for the procurement from a professional point of view.

According to the results of the consideration of the complaint regarding the violation of the NSCS "OKHMATDET" procurement procedure, the AMCU Panel recognized the actions of the NHSB "OKHMATDET" as legitimate and refused the complainant in satisfaction of the claims in full.

The company "Jurimex", adhering to the principles of social responsibility of business, provides legal services to the NHSB "OKHMATDET" hospital on a gratuitous basis.

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